Sunday 15 December Crema, Church of the Holy Trinity: Haendel Messiah
Sunday 8 December Lodi, Church of S. Francesco: Haendel Messiah
Sunday 1 December Crema, Church-Auditorium of S. Bernardino: Haendel Messiah
Sunday 13 October Crema, Church of S. Antonio: Masterclass on the choirs of the Messiah by Handel with Ruben Jais
Saturday 28 September Crema, Church of the Holy Trinity: Mass in Gregorian and polyphony
Sunday 16 June Bressanone, Duomo: Hummel Missa III op. 111
Saturday 15 June St Peter Villnöss: Concert Hummel Missa III op. 111
Saturday 25 May Piacenza, Cathedral: Graduation party of the Catholic University of Piacenza
Saturday 18 May Abbadia Cerreto: Concert Hummel Missa III op. 111
Sunday 14 April Bagnolo Cr., Parish Church: Hummel Missa III concert op. 111
Sunday 3 March Lodi, Hospital Hall: The Cameristi del Collegium Vocale, music by Haydn and Mozart
Saturday 18 May Abbadia Cerreto: Concert Hummel Missa III op. 111
Lent 2019 Lodi, Civic Temple of the Incoronata: Gregorian and Polyphony
Every third Monday of the month Compline in Gregorian and polyphony, Crema Chiesa delle Grazie